WhiteHat Hustler Productions
Welcome to our community project!

Our Background
How We Got Here
In 2020, Metaleroz Crypto Gaming (MCG) got into blockchain games and NFTs. Now WhiteHat Hustler Productions is building upon MCG to bring a true community project where we will grow together through our digital asset portfolio in NFTs and blockchain games so we can all earn from the get go not like other projects that are still in development offering gains but no balls to back their claims! We run scholarships for a lot of blockchain games with easy entry to those interested in joining our community. Our community is a gated community as we control our own growth so those who join can thrive along side us.
MCGGuild Project
Our first collab nft for community members
We are partnered with several NFT projects in the Wax blockchain space but as a community project we operate throughout the blockchain Metaverse. Our awesome and talented partners include AtomiKings, 4ArtSake, Romashka666 and Frauncearts to name a few on the Wax blockchain. Partners we are working with to help grow a better community by creating better projects. WhiteHat Hustler Productions has brought together several projects we have been working on under one roof as to create, build and grow our community project. Our project covers our blockchain gaming scholarship program for onboarding new players to play2earn blockchain games so they can start earning without dishing out the high entrance price. Besides that we have been promoting and investing in NFT projects such as Art or gaming projects to help them grow while earning passive and active incomes from these digital assets in our investment portfolio. Plus we are having collab NFTs being created for our project by the talented artist we are supporting and investing in. Now we are bringing all of that together in a seemless way in only one project. This is WhiteHat Hustler Productions home of sexy NFT degens!

Blockchain Gaming Scholarships
Easy onboarding through aquisition of our membership and admission nfts!
Utility NFTs for fractionalized NFT earnings!